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What is counselling?


Our counsellor, Lorraine, gave us this answer:


"Mental health support has become more needed

in recent years than ever before.


Counsellors are trained to build a therapeutic relationship

on trust, empathy, active listening,

professional knowledge, conduct and boundaries.

The relationship is an integral part of the healing process.


I can offer you a space to explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviours and help you better understand yourself.


If you are struggling and need someone un-connected to your life, to provide a space to explore what is happening to you; then book a free 30-minute consultation to see if counselling could be helpful to you."

Who will I see?


We are pleased to have three excellent counsellors at Hartwood Health


Lorraine Stevens has been with us since 2022. You can learn more about Lorraine's background and experience by clicking below.

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Vanessa Shefras brings a wealth of experience to the clinic. 
You can learn more about Vanessa's background and experience by clicking below.

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Helen Rowell is the newest member of our counselling team. She brings experience and knowledge, and we are lucky to have her with us.

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Support Group

What can counselling help with?


Counselling is about getting a better understanding of our emotions, by exploring our thoughts and feelings in more depth. We often have repeating patterns in our thoughts, so we look at where those patterns may have originated. 


The value of time with a counsellor is that you explore these aspects of your life with someone "external" - your friends and family will struggle to remain unbiased.


The counselling process can, in turn, help people deal with a huge variety of issues. These include, but are not limited to:

  • anxiety and panic

  • low self-esteem and depression

  • loss and anger

  • stress and work-related issues

  • relationship issues and abuse

  • self-harm and suicidal ideation

  • gender and sexual identity

How do I get started?


All our team offer free appointments of 15-30 minutes during which you can discuss what you feel might be amenable to counselling.


This can be face-to-face or over the phone.


There is no commitment at this stage to future consultation, but it is a valuable step in ensuring that you make the right fit with your counsellor.


Please send any enquiries to us.

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